May I suggest some alternatives?

The very first time I installed Trac was a disaster, trying compile  
it from the various parts.  I did eventually succeed.

Trac was very easy for me to install on MacOS the second time using  
MacPorts; there is currently a glitch in MacPorts, with a filed bug,  
and workarounds listed, where the workarounds take about five lines  
(you need to fake out the python install up to 2.5 if you are going  
to run mod_python).

An experienced administrator, but who had never seen Trac before,  
installed it easily (15 minutes?) on Solaris using BlastWave.

A colleague at work installed it pretty quickly on a Linux box,  
though I don't know much about the details.

If AIX lacks the software packaging tools/communities that are  
available on platforms like Mac OS, Solaris, and Linux, I am not sure  
that you can blame the Trac team for failing to come through for  
you.  Or perhaps, it's out there, but you haven't found it yet (I  
didn't know about BlastWave when I started in on my server, and I  
even work for Sun.)

Right now, I am using Python 2.3 and Trac 0.10.3 on the Solaris box,  
Python 2.5 and Trac 0.10.4 on my Mac.  I back up and tinker with the  
Solaris site by rsync'ing (sqlite database and all, yes I know that  
is sleazy) over to the Mac, where Trac helpfully whines at me about  
my need to upgrade my database (so I do) and then it runs fine.  My  
very first Trac install instead used Postgres; that worked fine too.

I hope this is helpful.  If you decide to ditch the AIX boxes, my  
employer will happily sell you replacements :-).

If you are looking for a replacement, good luck.  We ended up with  
Trac because it was the best choice we could find, and I'm really  
pretty happy with it, especially when I consider the alternatives.


David Chase

On 2007-11-09, at 5:05 PM, Tyrone Hed wrote:

> Noah,
>    Thank you for your kind reply. Trac is too difficult to install  
> on our AIX box. I'm back to square one looking for ALTERNATIVES to  
> Trac. We would have been hiring for professional services [the  
> company I work for is the largest bookseller in the world] but this  
> install is too difficult. It does not portend well for the product  
> in general, in my opinion. It suggests the word brittle.
>    I really honestly suggest that you guys find a clean install  
> path for 0.11. Your windows side is much nicer. This is nuts.
>                               Best Regards to you all. Bye,
>                                              Ty
> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Noah Kantrowitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Nov 9, 2007 4:57 PM
>> To: Tyrone Hed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: [Trac] Re: Regarding TRAC Install
>> 1) Do not reply off-list just because you feel slighted.
>> 2) Please see me earlier comment about professional services or
>> appliances. Perhaps Edgewall is still willing to offer Trac  
>> consulting,
>> if not the CommercialServices wiki page has plenty of people who  
>> will.
>> Just because I am feeling excessively nice, I will even save you the
>> trouble of searching, That is a
>> bootable turnkey appliance for Trac+SVN.
>> --Noah
>> Tyrone Hed wrote:
>>> Noah,
>>>    My intention was not to bother you guys--I was asked by my  
>>> manager to set up TRAC on our Unix server. I didn't pick TRAC-- 
>>> just that another team in our corporation had installed it [on  
>>> windows] and liked it. My manager liked it too but we only have a  
>>> Unix box to load it on.
>>>    By labeling me a troll--which I dispute--you're basically  
>>> telling me to f*** off. I understand that. I just don't think  
>>> blaming me is going to help your company. As you know from having  
>>> been a developer: problems are like cockroaches. For every one  
>>> you see and hear about, there  are a thousand that are silently  
>>> bothering people.
>>>    So, I'm your problem? I think not. I thank you and your team  
>>> for attempting to solve my problem installing your software. It  
>>> just strikes me as odd that all the kinds men at Edgewall were  
>>> unable to solve a simple install problem.
>>>    Good luck with your OTHER products.
> >

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