A while back my company decided to add a few more Wiki instances inside our
Trac setup.  Here is what I came up with after a bit of trial and error as a
nice striaght forward way of setting them up.   Our environment is Windows
Server 2003, Apache, and Python 2.4

To set up a new wiki inside the current instance

In a command promt box cd to C:\Python24\Scripts and Initialize the new Trac
Run  "Trac-admin C:\Python24\Scripts\trac\<name of new wiki> initenv"

Trac will first ask a few questions about your environment in order to
initialize and prepare the project database.

Please enter the name of your project. This name will be used in page titles
and descriptions.
Project Name [My Project]> <project name>

Please specify the connection string for the database to use. By default, a
local SQLite database is created in the environment directory. It is also
possible to use an already existing PostgreSQL database (check the Trac
documentation for the exact connection string syntax).
Database connection string [sqlite:db/trac.db]> <accept default>

Please specify the type of version control system, By default, it will be
svn. If you don't want to use Trac with version control integration, choose
the default here and don't specify a repository directory. in the next
Repository type [svn]> <accept default>

Please specify the absolute path to the version control repository, or leave
it blank to use Trac without a repository. You can also set the repository
location later.
Path to repository [/path/to/repos]> 

Run "trac-admin C:\Python24\Scripts\trac\<project name> permission add <user
name> TRAC_ADMIN" 

Add the apache Location details to allow access to the new project
(I add these at the bottom of the httpd.conf file)

<Location /<Projectname>>
SetHandler mod_python
PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
PythonOption TracEnv C:\Python24\Scripts\trac\<Projectname>
PythonOption TracUriRoot /<Projectname>
AuthType Digest
AuthName "name chosen"
AuthDigestDomain <http server name here>/<Projectname>
AuthUserFile "C:\Python24\Scripts\trac\my-project\conf\<name of file>"
Require valid-user

Restart Apache

Daniel Hahn
Twin Techs - Senior Systems Engineer
www.twintechs.com <http://www.twintechs.com/> 



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