On Apr 13, 4:18 pm, Karl DeBisschop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 11, 4:17 pm, Gary Oberbrunner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I am on a project that has 2 very distinct parts.
> ...snip...
> > >  so whatever I do will require separate set-ups etc.
> > I have suggested in the past a Trac architecture for this:
> >      * a new table, "project", looking like this:
> ... snip...
> >      * make tickets, milestones, and wiki entries...have a project id
> ...snip...
> > There was also a proposal 
> > inhttp://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracMultipleProjects/ByProductAndSearch
> > which is much more complex but notes that it would be nice to have
> > repository paths per project.
> > I don't think most people seem to value this organizational structure
> > though; I haven't ever gotten any interest in implementing it.
> There are enough proposals for this sort of architecture that is must
> be important. In may case, I've just started deploying Trac within my
> organization and this is the only real sticking point to adoption. And
> it came up as an objection within the first couple of days in trying
> it out with my team. There is a real value to isolating projects -- I
> don't think that perspective is at all off-base. But there is also a
> real value to being able to aggregate projects in an organization.
> In our case, I'm basically 
> followinghttp://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracMultipleProjects/ComprehensiveSolution
> but with one twist.
<snip> --
> Karl DeBisschop

Thanks for the feedback all.  I don't believe the 'issue' is a
limitation of trac, I think it's an artifact of how flexible trac is,
so the solution (as seen by this thread) has many potential solution
paths, and none are, by default, weighted as the default path to
take.  In this case, I think the solution for me, is to keep it as a
single project, with a directory structure approach in svn.  At some
point, there are other projects, so I will want to move to the
multiproject environment, maybe using TracForge to get single sign on
(if this test run goes well and it becomes a 'global' solution, in
other words, if the home office takes ownership of maintaining it.)
In my case, even then the different 'projects' are distinct, with no
shared code resources, so my scenario isn't as complex as some of the
solutions offered here.  The only thing I MAY want here at some point,
are some cross project status reports, for the guy above all the
project groups to be able to have a quick overview.  but I am not
there yet.  That seems to be a database specific solution anyway.

Thanks for the feedback, It was much appreciated.

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