On Jun 19, 8:06 am, "Bill Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Pardon my apache ignorance, as I am still learning, but what does apache
> define as a child, and is this set in httpd.conf?

Not exactly what you are asking for, but have a read of:


as may explain a few things. Only mod_wsgi daemon mode is not also
applicable to mod_python case.

And yes number of initial child process etc is defined in Apache
configuration, see:


and the linked pages for each MPM, such as:


The latter pages should also help to explain process model.


> <snip>> others. 2) reducing the number of requests per child - the
> > default in httpd.conf was 4000 and I dropped
> > MaxRequestsPerChild to 100 and switched back tomod_python
> > (1000 was suggested, but I tried 100 and haven't had a chance
> <snip>
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