Lance Hendrix wrote:
> In line with your note, perhaps you could suggest a few items (or a few 
> topics) that you especially feel would be important/critical/useful to 
> develop (what were you unable to find documentation about).

I have started a page to collect documentation topics:

> one of my major objectives to support the 
> OSS effort is to attempt to provide or at least assist with the 
> development of (I am capable of at generating content quickly, I'll let 
> someone else be the judge of it's usefulness) documentation;

We seem to have at least two people who are willing to spend some time
writing documentation for Trac. So here's your chance: add relevant
topics to the page above, vote for the topics you would find most
useful, and maybe, just maybe, this could be the starting point of a
vastly improved Trac documentation!

-- Remy

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