What plugin(s) should I use to set up authentication (I don't care about 
anything else right now) with LDAP?  I would prefer not to use an apache layer. 
 I have tried for the last 1.5 days to get this working over at least figure 
out what plugins I should use.  I have tried 
http://pypi.python.org/pypi/TracLDAPAuth/ without success .  I can devote more 
time in trying to figure out why this doesn't work (okay, it doesn't work for 
lack of tls, so I add a l.start_tls_s() and...it works on one box and not 
another strangely, and the documentation for python-ldap, while existant, isn't 
enough for me to figure out what the problem is yet) or I can tackle another 
route, like http://trac-hacks.org/ticket/1147 (which should *really* be put 
into a plugin, if it works).

Any recommendations?  How does one get Trac + LDAP working preferably without 


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