Have you read:



On Feb 17, 8:57 pm, Roger Oberholtzer <roger.oberholt...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, 2010-02-16 at 15:32 -0800, Graham Dumpleton wrote:
> > On Feb 17, 7:23 am, Mariano Absatz <el.b...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi there,
> > > if I'm to install 0.11 on an apache server, which is the recommended
> > > method? mod_python or wsgi?
> > The mod_python package hasn't seen any active development in a few
> > years. It has various known issues and problems which are unlikely to
> > be fixed, the worst being memory leaks. It has undesirable behaviour
> > for large Python web applications when you can only use prefork MPM
> > with Apache. Even if using worker MPM with Apache you need to be
> > careful. On this latter issue, have a read of:
> >  http://blog.dscpl.com.au/2009/03/load-spikes-and-excessive-memory-usa...
> > > Is there a performance advantage for one or another?
> > The mod_wsgi package has lower memory overhead and performs better.
> >  http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/PerformanceEstimates
> > In general the preferred method for hosting is now mod_wsgi.
> > Now some will say I am biased having written mod_wsgi, but I also
> > worked on mod_python for a while as well, so understand both very
> > well. :-)
> Is there a migration document for converting from mod_python to
> mod_wsgi?
> For example, if I have a trac configured like this for mod_python, what
> would the equivalent be for mod_wsgi?
> <Location /MyTrac>
>    SetHandler mod_python
>    PythonInterpreter main_interpreter
>    PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend
>    PythonOption TracEnv /vol1/trac/MyTrac
>    PythonOption TracUriRoot /MyTrac
>    AuthType Basic
>    AuthName "RSofT"
>    AuthUserFile /vol1/trac/access/MyTrac/.htpasswd
>    Require valid-user
> </Location>
> --
> Roger Oberholtzer
> OPQ Systems / Ramböll RST
> Ramböll Sverige AB
> Krukmakargatan 21
> P.O. Box 17009
> SE-104 62 Stockholm, Sweden
> Office: Int +46 10-615 60 20
> Mobile: Int +46 70-815 1696
> --
> Roger Oberholtzer

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