> Dear List,

Can no-one help me understand and/or access session info when using
apache for authentication?  Is there a FAQ I missed or a good write up

> I have multiple trac parent directories configured using 
> apache https where the whole site uses protected access, i.e. 
> you have to login (against our windoze active directory, 
> using mod_sspi) before you get to trac.  The whole 
> environment here is windoze, IE6/8 clients and windoze server 
> running apache 2.2.
> This works fine, the username appears in trac and I can 
> assign specific rights to the limited number of users who 
> need enhanced rights.  However, where I used to be able to 
> look at a trac instances session info to see who had logged 
> in (and when), the Admin > Accounts> Users page just warns 
> "This password store does not support listing users".
> Does Trac store session info (username, full name, email & 
> time of last login) when using  apache to authenticate?  If 
> so, is there a plug-in or configuration of tracaccountmanager 
> that allows me to view this info?
> I would like to use the option to use a drop-list of users 
> when e.g. assigning tickets (thanks to pacopablo: 
> http://pacopablo.com/wiki/pacopablo/blog/set-assign-to-drop-do
> wn) but my understanding is this is based on the session info 
> that I can no longer see...
> So, can anyone help me out here?  Is there a standard setting 
> or trac-hack that I have missed that could help?
> Many Thanks,
> ~ Mark C

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