> -----Original Message-----
> From: trac-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Arthur Flores Duarte
> Sent: 18 April 2011 23:10
> To: Trac Users
> Subject: [Trac] Relational Tickets Priority
> Greetings,
> I searched at the FAQ and in the mailing list and I didn't find a
> answer for my doubt, but I think that should be a very common one.
> I've been working with Trac for some years, but this week appeared a
> new need, and I wonder if I can apply this with Trac.
> I need to report the tickets ordered by priority.
> For example, in a report, ticket #100 is more important than #82, that
> is more important than #112, that is more important than #110, and so
> it goes...
> I don't know if "Priority" is the propper field to order this report,
> because it just have some values, and I don't wanna to create a value
> for
> each ticket.
> Thanks for the attention
You could try relating the tickets using a plugin such as the

~ mark c

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