Hi Jason,

thanks for the hints. However, as long as the installer tries to connect to the 
it will cowardly fail: the machine is actually a virtual machine (SLES) in the 
DMZ of a corporate
network. It's not permitted to make any new connections into the internet, also 
a proxy
is missing. The only connection permitted is *from* the internet to a small set 
of TCP ports
of that host.

As babel is not strictly required, and as I manually installed genshi, I was 
expecting the
"off-line" installation to succeed.

`python ./setup.py --help` does that same as `... install`:

$ lsof -p 19738
python  19738  ecs  cwd    DIR    253,1    4096 2146487 
python  19738  ecs  rtd    DIR      8,3    4096       2 /
python  19738  ecs  txt    REG      8,5    5320  208996 /usr/bin/python2.4
python  19738  ecs    0u   CHR    136,3               5 /dev/pts/3
python  19738  ecs    1u   CHR    136,3               5 /dev/pts/3
python  19738  ecs    2u   CHR    136,3               5 /dev/pts/3
python  19738  ecs    3u  IPv4 43469727             TCP 
ecs.siemens-enterprise.com:33262->pypi.python.org:http (SYN_SENT)
... --help doesn't print the usage.
Also --verbose doesn't make a difference.

Thanks for your help.

Have a nice day,

From: trac-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:trac-users@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of Jason Miller
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 3:16 PM
To: trac-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [Trac] setup behind firewall

Out bound connections are made across the HTTP and HTTPS
protocol. Not sure as to why your DMZ would be blocking that.
In fact, a DMZ 'should' be firewall free.

Not that this 'should' matter, but have you prepended the 'python'
interpreter before your commands? :  python ./setup.py install

Still... what happens when you manually svn co
http://<some svn repo> from the same machine?

Does the DMZ employ a proxy maybe?

What happens when you use: easy_install babel  (I noticed
you havn't installed babel yet, might as well try through easy_install)

Is this an appliance specific machine with a custom linux flavor
installed on it? (not exactly a PC, but a product designed to do
something else like one of these ugly things:
I know I have had my fair share of getting one of those working the
way "WE" wanted. And installing Trac on it, would definitely qualify.

does: dig edgewall.org<http://edgewall.org>  return the correct IP address of

Odd bud, and being in the DMZ makes it odder still. You should have no
firewall/connectivity issues at all. And as for a verbose option yes:
python ./setup.py --verbose
FYI, you can see the whole list by doing the following in your <product>

python ./setup.py --help

Good luck, let us know what happens!


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 3:09 AM, Voelker, Bernhard 
Hi *,

I have problems installing 0.12.2 behind a firewall (in a DMZ).
I have installed setuptools and genshi and added them to the PYTHONPATH:

$ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/user/ecs/opt/genshi-0.6/lib64/python2.4/site-packages

The setuptools fail (after the firewall timeout) here:

$ ./setup.py install --prefix=/user/ecs/opt/trac-0.12.2
Download error: (97, 'Address family not supported by protocol') -- Some 
packages may not be found!
Couldn't find index page for 'Genshi' (maybe misspelled?)
Download error: (97, 'Address family not supported by protocol') -- Some 
packages may not be found!
No local packages or download links found for Genshi>=0.6
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "./setup.py", line 110, in ?
   entry_points = """
 File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/distutils/core.py", line 110, in setup
   _setup_distribution = dist = klass(attrs)
 line 260, in __init__
 line 283, in fetch_build_eggs
   for dist in working_set.resolve(
 line 563, in resolve
   dist = best[req.key] = env.best_match(req, self, installer)
 line 799, in best_match
   return self.obtain(req, installer) # try and download/install
 line 811, in obtain
   return installer(requirement)
 line 327, in fetch_build_egg
   return cmd.easy_install(req)
 line 434, in easy_install
 line 475, in fetch_distribution
   return dist.clone(location=self.download(dist.location, tmpdir))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'clone'

Before I installed Genshi, it said that it tries to download Genshi,
but now it sits waiting for the firewall timeout - I don't have a
clue what it's trying to do at this point. Is there something like

Any ideas?

Have a nice day,

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