On 09/27/2011 08:56 AM, Cooke, Mark wrote:
...because I am not sure where the email addresses are stored and I
was hoping someone might have already done this!

trac=# select sid, value from session_attribute where name = 'email';

Whenever someone leaves, we:

 1. Reassign all their tickets using batch reassign
 2. Remove the user's permissions (via the web UI)
 3. Reassign any components the user owns
4. Remove the session data so that the user doesn't show up in the drop down assignment list:
delete from session where sid = 'username';
delete from session_attribute where sid = 'username';

That's where I'll
go next if noone has anything I can pick up.  The users in question
are not in the session tables so the emails must be in the ticket
data somewhere...

Likely in session_attribute, but if they're not there, they may also be in the ticket's CC list as explicit emails (as that field does username -> email lookups or can take explicit emails as well, IIRC)

select id,cc from ticket;

It's also possible that the "reporter" field does the same thing:

select id,reporter from ticket;

Of course, you can limit it to explicit emails via something like:

select id,cc from ticket where cc ~ '.@.';

or whatnot.

Matthew Caron
Build Engineer
Sixnet | www.sixnet.com
O +1 518 877 5173 Ext. 138
F +1 518 602 9209

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