On 01/27/2012 09:52 AM, simo wrote:
Hi list,

I've trac 0.12 installed on my server. I used it for a while using
mod_python but it made apache cpu overloaded an crashed.

I'm switching in now to fastcgi mod. It's getting ok but I still have
2 main problems :
- CSS styles are not loaded anymore (and js I guess)
- I'm able to display the root page but any page throw a 404 error.

I bet these two are related - it likely can't find them.

What do the apache logs say when you get a 404?

        DocumentRoot /var/trac/linea21
        ScriptAlias / /home/simon/0.12dev/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi

I concur with Mark Cooke. This seems wrong. My setup transposed to yours would be:

        ScriptAlias /trac /home/simon/0.12dev/cgi-bin/trac.fcgi

Try that. I know it won't give you the "I go to the base servername and get what I want", but that's what redirect rules are for. I have the following, transposed to your sites:

    # Redirect bare requests to /trac
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://dev.linea21.com/trac%{REQUEST_URI}

(And it occurs to me that the above is actually overly complex, but it's been in production for 3 years so I'm loathe to change it just for the sake of style). However, the following should work just fine:

    RewriteRule   ^/$  /trac/  [R]

(The [R] makes it a redirect)

I run trac 0.12 on apache2 with fastcgi_mod on ubuntu server 8.04

You know Ubuntu 8.04 is going to be EOL in April of 2013, right? If this is a new installation, you might consider upgrading.. or are you waiting for 12.04?

Matthew Caron
Build Engineer
Sixnet | www.sixnet.com
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