I'm fairly new to Trac administration, and I'm trying to spin up two 
instances of Trac with GIT on the same server.  Both of these instances 
will be lightly loaded, but will use different workflows.  I'm using the 
instructions in TracMultipleProjects/MultipleEnvironments, and I think 
it'll work out OK, but I've got a few questions.

   1. I'm looking at the recent 1.4 release, but there are no plugins 
   listed as working with that version.  What needs to be done to verify 
   proper functionality of the plugins for 1.4?  I don't need much:
      - workflow (TracWorkflowAdminPlugin & WorkflowNotificationPlugin)
      - sub-tickets (SubticketsPlugin)
      - user administration (AccountManagerPlugin)
      - ini editor (I used to use IniAdminPlugin)
      2. One of these two instances is currently running on a 1.2 TRAC 
   system (I think - might be 1.0), without GIT.  Is there a page that 
   describes the process of backup/restore of the SQLite DB?
   3. I'm running this on a GCP f1-micro instance (614MB memory, "free 
   forever"), but the Apache instances are HUGE.  I believe that most of this 
   is from loading modules that I won't be using.  Is there a good way to know 
   what modules can be safely removed?  Perhaps an Apache module dependancy 
   diagram?  Should I be using something other than Apache for this?

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