
You are a hero!

That means thank you very much. Your documentation skills are as amazing as your dev-ops skills.

I struggle with both ...



On 10/10/2019 12:20 am, Mickaël Bucas wrote:
Hi Mike

I encountered the same issue when I changed my system Python to
version 3.6, so I'm currently running Trac 1.2 in a virtualenv I've
created with the following commands :
mkdir -p /var/lib/trac/$PROJECT/venv
virtualenv -p python2 /var/lib/trac/$PROJECT/venv
source /var/lib/trac/$PROJECT/venv/bin/activate
pip install trac==1.2.2 mysql-python Babel pygments
# Subversion bindings
ln -s /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/libsvn
ln -s /usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/svn

To start Trac, I use `tracd`, but it must run when the virtualenv is activated
start-stop-daemon --start \
     --user ${TRACD_USER:-tracd} --group ${TRACD_GROUP:-tracd} \
     --pidfile /var/run/tracd-${TRACD_PROJECT}.pid --make-pidfile --background \
     --exec /opt/bin/tracd-start-server.sh -- \

`/opt/bin/tracd-start-server.sh` contains :
# Parameters

# Virtualenv
source /var/lib/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}/venv/bin/activate

export PYTHON_EGG_CACHE="/var/lib/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}/trac/egg-cache"

# Exec to keep the PID recorded by start-stop-daemon
exec /var/lib/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}/venv/bin/tracd \
     -p ${TRACD_PORT} --single-env ${TRACD_OPTS}    \
     --base-path=/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}             \
     /var/lib/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}/trac            \
     >> /var/lib/trac/${TRACD_PROJECT}/trac/log/tracd-output.log 2>&1

Then you must tell Apache to proxy to the `tracd` server :
<Location /trac/$PROJECT >
     # Proxy to tracd
     ProxyPass http://$SITE:$NUMBER/trac/$PROJECT ttl=60
     ProxyPassReverse http://$SITE:$NUMBER/trac/$PROJECT

So far it works as expected.

I still have to work on upgrading to Trac 1.4, whose dependencies are
different. And I will have to check if the extensions I use are still

Best regards

Mickaël Bucas

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