On Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 12:45:46 AM UTC-8, Mo wrote:
> Hi,
> we are looking for customizable printable reports of tickets.
> For customization I guess the best approach would be to create a Wiki with 
> several [[TicketQuery]] Macros.
> On the other hand, when having a /query?... list, the browsers print 
> preview and printing to PDF is already usable. But how can the coloring be 
> changed, for instance the alternating line backgrounds and frame colors?
> I found the TracWikiPrintPlugin, so the best would be to adapt the CSS?
> Could you tell me what other approaches there are?

You could add site-custom CSS:

and use CSS print media queries. My understanding is that those are CSS 
rules that are only applied when printing. I'm not familiar with the 
details, but it looks like we even have some print media queries in Trac 

$  grep -R "@media print" . --include=\*\.css
./trac/htdocs/css/ticket.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/trac.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/wiki.css:@media print { .wikipage h2 { box-shadow: none } 
./trac/htdocs/css/wiki.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/wiki.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/browser.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/browser.css:@media print {
./trac/htdocs/css/report.css:@media print {

- Ryan 

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