
as mentioned in https://trac-hacks.org/ticket/13640 some Python libraries 
are not available by the Linux distribution, so I like to install them 
separately by pip.
How can I install for instance xhtml2pdf locally for the trac home in 
~trac/ ?

I tried by 

 pip install --user xhtml2pdf

and got 

$ tree ~trac/.local/lib64/ -L 3
└── python3.6
    └── site-packages
        ├── PIL
        ├── Pillow-6.2.1.dist-info
        ├── PyPDF2
        ├── PyPDF2-1.26.0-py3.6.egg-info
        ├── reportlab
        ├── reportlab-3.5.32.dist-info
        ├── xhtml2pdf
        └── xhtml2pdf-0.2.3-py3.6.egg-info

But Trac still fails like this:

2019-11-06 11:22:22,359 Trac[loader] DEBUG: Skipping "TracWikiPrintPlugin 
2.0.0.dev0": DistributionNotFound: The 'xhtml2pdf' distribution was not found 
and is required by TracWikiPrintPlugin

The uwsgi workers are running as user trac and should be able to find the 
python library at $HOME.

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