Chris Jerdonek added the comment:

I was starting with a suggestion for ideal wording without regard for 
constraints, since I didn't know the constraints.

If the text must be the same and the e-mails will be sent to a mailing list of 
non-administrators (e.g. python-dev or tracker-discuss), then I would suggest 
wording that makes sense and reduces the possibility of confusion for both 
types of recipients (i.e. submitter and mailing list members).  For example, 
the text could incorporate wording like:

"The Python issue tracker at experienced an unexpected 
error while processing your submission.  This message and the error details 
below may also be sent to the python-dev mailing list.  The tracker 
administrators will take responsibility for investigating this error."

Since I don't know all the details, this wording may need to be adjusted for 

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