That's what I call a quick answser :)

I'm aware of the 5 secs delay, but I was asking about a real solution to
let gnome-session (or equivalent) complete its job AND the user start
his couple of routine applications, without the scan happening.

I also asked about the current status of your own proposal of completely
abolishing the scan.

Thank you, hoping my input can be of any use.

Il giorno mer, 11/07/2007 alle 11.19 +0100, jamie ha scritto:
> On Wed, 2007-07-11 at 12:13 +0200, Filippo Pappalardo wrote:
> > Jamie, in the past you suggested the possibility to just avoid to do the
> > scanning of dirs at start up, and I thought it was a good enough idea.
> > 
> > This just because one can assume that it's simply unnecessary to re-scan
> > everything each time, especially in a system where Tracker is
> > automatically launched at each login or otherwise consistently used.
> > 
> > You proposed to completely avoid the scan, like Spotlight does in OSX
> > (please correct me if I'm wrong). Another possible solution could be to
> > just delay it and make it more "gentle" on the resources (CPU/HD/RAM).
> > I'd like to know your thoughts and/or plans on this.
> > 
>  we do currently delay dir scan for 5 secs at startup so as not to slow
> boot time

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