On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 11:01 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
> Jamie McCracken wrote:
> > As I will be working quite extensively on trunk post merge I require any
> > major changes to be done ASAP
> > 
> > list of changes required prior to merge (in order of priority) - all of
> > these already exist and work in trunk:
> > 
> > 
> > 1) trackerd: Handle file moves - update files in a directory
> > recursively when a directory is renamed/moved (need to pause indexer
> > before updating - watch out!). Likewise re-enable update of index from
> > trackerd as its needed for tagging and other user metadata
> Hi,
> This is done in the indexer, the daemon, however, currently has no way
> of knowing about files linked by moves. Instead, GIO gives us DELETED
> and CREATED events.
> That is quite unacceptable I think.
> I have created a bug report about this:
>   http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=547890
> We can in the mean time perhaps add some glue by checking the md5sum of
> the 2 files to see if they are the same and the events occur within the
> same 2 seconds perhaps? I would rather not do this. But it might be
> necessary for the time being.

can we fork the gio monitor code and inline it into our source tree

when updated glib with that functionality is available we can swap it


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