Jamie McCracken wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-08-15 at 11:01 +0100, Martyn Russell wrote:
>> Jamie McCracken wrote:
>>> As I will be working quite extensively on trunk post merge I require any
>>> major changes to be done ASAP
>>> list of changes required prior to merge (in order of priority) - all of
>>> these already exist and work in trunk:
>>> 1) trackerd: Handle file moves - update files in a directory
>>> recursively when a directory is renamed/moved (need to pause indexer
>>> before updating - watch out!). Likewise re-enable update of index from
>>> trackerd as its needed for tagging and other user metadata
>> Hi,
>> This is done in the indexer, the daemon, however, currently has no way
>> of knowing about files linked by moves. Instead, GIO gives us DELETED
>> and CREATED events.
>> That is quite unacceptable I think.
>> I have created a bug report about this:
>>   http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=547890
>> We can in the mean time perhaps add some glue by checking the md5sum of
>> the 2 files to see if they are the same and the events occur within the
>> same 2 seconds perhaps? I would rather not do this. But it might be
>> necessary for the time being.
> can we fork the gio monitor code and inline it into our source tree
> then?
> when updated glib with that functionality is available we can swap it
> out

Not really.

The GIO code isn't the easiest code to fork. I think doing that would
take longer than finding another, easier solution.

I am investigating this.

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