On 14/09/11 09:15, Rainer M Krug wrote:
For me, make install into /usr as a prefix works fine, I had to
mess about with the Nautilus desktop file to stop it autostarting
(for debugging), but generally you should be able to do:

$ killall nautilus&&  /usr/bin/nautilus

and see debugging printed from the plugin. I would be interested to
know what is being printed there.

OK - first check dependencies:

And presumably Nautilus itself is using GTK+ 2.x?

rkrug@ecolmod:~$ tracker-control -s
Starting miners…

(tracker-control:4483): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not create proxy on
the D-Bus session bus, Error calling StartServiceByName for
org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Miner.Applications: Timeout was reached

(tracker-control:4483): Tracker-CRITICAL **: Could not create proxy on
the D-Bus session bus, Error calling StartServiceByName for
org.freedesktop.Tracker1.Miner.RSS: Timeout was reached

This doesn't look good and suggests the miner-fs or store is quite busy. Are the miners ever idle?

  tracker-control -F

Can you do normal querying outside the plugin, e.g.

  tracker-search -m

The last thing is to check the log created by miner-fs/store.


Founder and CEO of Lanedo GmbH.
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