Hi !

Today I tried to extract the audio track from a DVD, so I typed this command in the console (my OS is Ubuntu 12.04 with a 3.13.0-44-generic kernel) :

transcode -i /dev/sr0 -x null,dvd -y null,wav -T 1,1,1 -a 0 -E 44100,16,2 -m 01.wav

It's the 4th time that I run this command (with 4 different DVDs), but this is first one where I encountered a problem :

[audio_trans.c] critical: Sorry, source audio format not supported

And the wav output blew my ears ! Besides that, I can read the DVD with VLC, Totem and mplayer without any problem.

I looked for any similar issues on Google and on this mailing list but I didn't find any. I just found the code that generates this error here : http://fossies.org/linux/transcode/src/audio_trans.c and there : http://fossies.org/dox/transcode-1.1.7/audio__trans_8c_source.html Unfortunately I'm not a programmer so I don't understand very well what is going wrong.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in this problem, I put the output of transcode below. Thanks for your attention (and sorry for my bad english).

Best regards,


############ BEGIN TRANSCODE OUTPUT #############
transcode v1.1.5 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2009 Transcode Team
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access
[dvd_reader.c] DVD title 1/3: 39 chapter(s), 1 angle(s), title set 2
[dvd_reader.c] title playback time: 01:56:01.15  6962 sec
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access
[dvd_reader.c] DVD title 1/3: 39 chapter(s), 1 angle(s), title set 2
[dvd_reader.c] title playback time: 01:56:01.15  6962 sec
[transcode] V: auto-probing     | /dev/sr0 (OK)
[transcode] V: import format | MPEG 2 program stream in DVD NTSC (module=null)
[transcode] A: auto-probing     | /dev/sr0 (OK)
[transcode] A: import format    | LPCM in DVD NTSC (module=dvd)
[transcode] V: AV demux/sync | (2) initial MPEG sequence / enforce frame rate
[transcode] V: import frame     | disabled
[transcode] V: bits/pixel       | 0.000 (unknown)
[transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 23.976,1
[transcode] V: video format     | YUV420 (4:2:0) aka I420
[transcode] A: import format    | 0x10001 LPCM         [48000,24,2]
[transcode] A: export format | 0x55 MPEG ES Layer 3 [44100,16,2] 128 kbps
[transcode] V: export format    | unknown (module dependant)
[transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 23.976,1
[transcode] A: language         | ja
[transcode] A: bytes per frame  | 12014 (12012.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment       | -2000@1000
[transcode] V: IA32/AMD64 accel | sse3 sse2 sse mmx cmove asm
[transcode] V: video buffer     | 10 @ 0x0 [0x2]
[transcode] A: audio buffer     | 10 @ 48000x2x24
[import_dvd.so] v0.4.1 (2007-07-15) (video) DVD | (audio) MPEG/AC3/PCM
[import_null.so] v0.2.0 (2002-01-19) (video) null | (audio) null
[export_wav.so] v0.3.0 (2006-03-16) (audio) WAVE PCM
[export_null.so] v0.1.2 (2001-08-17) (video) null | (audio) null
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access
[import_dvd.so] tccat -T 1,1,1 -i "/dev/sr0" -t dvd -d 0 | tcdemux -a 0 -x pcm -S 0 -M 2 -d 0 | tcextract -t vob -x pcm -a 0 -d 0
libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.13 for DVD access

libdvdread: Attempting to retrieve all CSS keys
libdvdread: This can take a _long_ time, please be patient

libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.VOB at 0x00002fc8
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB at 0x00002fe4
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_0.VOB at 0x000054b4
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_02_1.VOB at 0x00005875
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
libdvdread: Found 2 VTS's
libdvdread: Elapsed time 0
[audio_trans.c] critical: Sorry, source audio format not supported
############ THE LINE ABOVE IS REPEATED 974 TIMES !! #############
[audio_trans.c] critical: Sorry, source audio format not supported
[decoder.c] cancelling the import threads 0:00:40,  ( 9| 0|11)

[transcode] encoded 977 frames (0 dropped, 0 cloned), clip length 40.75 s
############ END TRANSCODE OUTPUT #############

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