I could break it down further but not in 2 1 file. I have coldspring
loading everything and then I have a decorator/service/gateway all
which derive from an Abstract Parent. I just tried it with another
object to see If I could replicate the issue and sure enough it did. I
know im doing something wrong here...just not sure what.

On Jun 27, 9:51 pm, Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dan,
> Can you break it down into a single index.cfm file, so it's a reproducible
> test case?
> Mark
> On Sat, Jun 27, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Dan Vega <danv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Loaded via coldspring
> >        <cffunction name="onApplicationStart" returnType="boolean"
> > output="false">
> >                <cfset coldspringConfig =
> > "/quickconnects/config/coldspring.xml">
> >                <cfset application.coldspring = createObject('component',
> > 'coldspring.beans.DefaultXmlBeanFactory').init() >
> >                <cfset application.coldspring.loadBeans(coldspringConfig)>
> >                <cfset application.settings = application.coldspring.getBean
> > ("configBean").getEnvironmentByUrl(CGI.SERVER_NAME)>
> >                <cfset application.userService =
> > application.coldspring.getBean
> > ("UserService")>
> >                <cfreturn true>
> >        </cffunction>
> > I have an abstract service
> >        <cffunction name="new" access="public" output="false"
> > returntype="any" hint="I return a new transfer object by object
> > name.">
> >                <cfreturn getGateway(getClassName()).new()>
> >        </cffunction>
> >        <cffunction name="get" access="public" output="false"
> > returntype="any" hint="I return a Transfer object by object name and
> > key.">
> >                <cfargument name="key" type="any" required="false"
> > default="0"
> > hint="The key to retireve the object by.">
> >                <cfif arguments.key EQ 0>
> >                        <cfreturn new()>
> >                <cfelse>
> >                        <cfreturn
> > getGateway(getClassName()).get(arguments.key)>
> >                </cfif>
> >        </cffunction>
> > That calls a gateway
> >        <cffunction name="get" access="public" output="false"
> > returntype="any" hint="I return a Transfer object by key.">
> >                <cfargument name="key" type="any" required="true" hint="The
> > key used
> > to retrieve a Transfer object. Can be a simple value for objects with
> > a single Primary key, or a struct for object with a composite id.">
> >                <cfreturn getTransfer().get(getClassName(),arguments.key)>
> >        </cffunction>
> --
> E: mark.man...@gmail.com
> T:http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
> W:www.compoundtheory.com
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