Thanks for the help Mark!

On Jun 30, 5:43 pm, Mark Mandel <> wrote:
> OMG yeah that would do it ;o)
> getTransferObject() returns the underlying TO.
> The cache synchronisation would find that the object in cache is different
> to the one you currently have, and try and resolve it.
> Erk...
> Glad you worked it out.
> Mark
> On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Dan Vega <> wrote:
> > So I got some time to finally look at this and I think I have found
> > the issue. When I save using the method I created in my
> > abstractDecorator I am having the issue.
> >        <cfset userTO = application.userService.get(form.userId)>
> >        <!--- populate the user bean with our form props --->
> >        <cfset userTO.populate(form)>
> >        <!--- validate the form submission --->
> >        <cfset userTO.validate()>
> >        <!--- if the validator returns no errors save and return to list
> > --->
> >        <cfif NOT userTO.hasErrors()>
> >                <cfset>
> >                <!---<cfset>--->
> >                <cflocation url="users.cfm" addtoken="false">
> >                <cfabort>
> >        </cfif>
> >        abstractTransferDecorator
> >        <cffunction name="save" access="public" output="true"
> > returntype="void">
> >                <cfset getTransfer().save(getTransferObject())>
> >        </cffunction>
> > When I save using transfer and actually pass in the decorator that I
> > am working with everything seems to work fine.
> >        <cfset userTO = application.userService.get(form.userId)>
> >        <!--- populate the user bean with our form props --->
> >        <cfset userTO.populate(form)>
> >        <!--- validate the form submission --->
> >        <cfset userTO.validate()>
> >        <!--- if the validator returns no errors save and return to list
> > --->
> >        <cfif NOT userTO.hasErrors()>
> >                <cfset>
> >                <cflocation url="users.cfm" addtoken="false">
> >                <cfabort>
> >        </cfif>
> > The issue I was having was with the getTransferObject() call. What I
> > needed to do is refer to the object I am working on (this).
> >        <cffunction name="save" access="public" output="true"
> > returntype="void">
> >                <cfset getTransfer().save(this)>
> >        </cffunction>
> > Sorry for the headaches guys, and thanks for the help!
> --
> E:
> T:
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