Yes it looks like a, it's a cascadeSave(), and it's also going through
the AOP Transaction stuff like whostheJBoss guessed. I'm not entirely
sure though since I'm losing the rest of the trace.

It's saving a Transaction with Attendees in it.

And I don't think so you can get back to the original object. Here's
the relevant relationships I think:

Transaction onetomany Attendee.

Event onetomany Package.
Package onetomany Attendee.
Attendee manytomany ScheduleItem.

Event onetomany Track.
Track onetomany Topic.
Topic manytoone ScheduleItem.

Topic manytomany Attendee.

This doesn't make any sense either since it's saving new Attendees and
shouldn't even be looking at ScheduleItems or something that would
have a parent topic.

- Elliott

On Jun 30, 2:41 pm, Mark Mandel <> wrote:
> It looks like a stack overflow is occuring in a cascade operations (or more
> specifically in the ObjectTreeWalker)... which is totally weird because
> there are check in there to avoid this kind of thing, that and unit tests to
> test it.
> I'm going to assume it's a cascadeSave() call that is causing the issue - is
> there any recursion in the relationship, i.e. can you get back to the
> original object?
> Mark
> On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 6:43 PM, Elliott Sprehn <> wrote:
> > I'm seeing a stack overflow from inside Transfer 1.1 but all the
> > relevant relationships are lazy so it doesn't make any sense.
> > This is the Transfer.xml:
> >
> > The stack trace is cut off and it doesn't seem to be getting added to
> > the server logs either.
> > I don't see anything in the XML that screams infinite recursion. Does
> > anyone else?
> > The stack repeats with the traverse/traversesingle/traversecollection
> > pattern, here's two traces that fail in different places:
> > ...
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