Hi everyone :)

Nguyễn Định Trung, who lassoed several Uni students into helping with our OOo Help translation, has had yet another bright idea.

He suggests that, to facilitate feedback on our translation, we create a special feedback user. This user would only have Suggestion rights. We then publish the login details for this user on our mailing list and on the translation page of our website.

This strikes me as such a good idea, that you might want to implement it in Pootle generally. Create an optional Feedback user which each project admin can enable. What do you think? This would emphasize the portal aspect of Pootle, getting away from the prevalent idea that it's "just another translation interface".

According to the roadmap, ultimately we want to have a lot of communication working through Pootle. This would be a good start.

2. Trung also asked if we had stats on who had contributed what to our Pootle translation. This reminded me that we really need to work on providing that data. Project admins need to know who has worked on which strings, or at the very least, who has worked on which file.

Is there currently any way to get this data?

For the future, I would strongly suggest we implement in Pootle a way to display individual translator stats in team tables. This encourages friendly competition, and gives the project admin an overview of participation.

Such a table would display name, username, last login, last file edited, last strings translated, total strings translated, total words translated, plus total strings/words per server if there is more than one project on the server.

That gives the admin or translator a quick overview. Clicking on any of the header items would then provide a name/username/email address list, a login history, a file edit history, a history of strings translated, and a breakdown of contributions listed by size.

To start with, how soon could we realistically have stats on who has translated which files?

from Clytie

Vietnamese Free Software Translation Team

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