Hi Suresh,

> Just checking to see if the group is interested to see a  script, which 
> can be invoked by a user with adequate permissions for
> uploading a GNU/Standard style project to Pootle.

Do you intend to add this to the Pootle web interface?
Or is it an independent script that should ease the maintenance of pootle

> The script supports Bazaar, CVS, Darcs, Git, Mercurial and Subversion
> revision control systems.(Also not sure if somebody is already working on
> such/similar script.)

Just to make sure, that I understand you correctly:
1) The user/administrator would enter the type of RCS (svn/cvs/git/bzr/hg) and
the repository URL into the pootle web interface.
2) The script does a "checkout" (or however it is called for the various RCSs)
of a local working copy.
3) Refresh the pootle cache and statistics.

Did I get your point?

> 1. Some RCSs (git/hg) don't allow fetching only the po contents, we need 
> to bringover the whole project directory.
>     - Solution - Bring over child project WSs and from there update the 
> Pootle.

for me it would not matter so much, if there would be other files around, too.
At least I would not see a good solution how to avoid this waste of space.


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