Hi, every install I've done of Trisquel 4.5 from a number of different sources has given me this problem.

During boot I just get a blank screen with a flashing cursor in the top left. No disk activity. If I do alt-F2 a couple of times I can eventually get to the 'Trisquel' with the 4 blue dots. However, these don't switch on and off on their own, I have to repeatedly press 'enter'. I presume the system is waiting for some form of input? Eventually I get to login. If I don't do the above then the system never boots.

/var/log/syslog is here for the latest boot.


/var/log/boot is here


/var/log/dmesg is here


These are the only files in /var/log/ that are timestamped with the boot time.

Any ideas?


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