I think I'm about to have enough with all this GNU/Linux affair. Apparently, nothing can be just fixed easily and there has to be a problem every single time :@

Now, I run my Taranis live USB to add just 5 gb to my sda5 which my retarded Taranis installation set too small to begin with and I can't do it because there is sda6 which is the Linux-swap of 1.5gb there and then sda7 of 45gb. And all of these are situated under a general table of sda4.

There's also an unallocated 5 gb after my sda3 but needless to say that it isn't good for anything either.

Can anybody tell me how I can add just 5gb to my sda5 when there's 5gb free after my sda3, 45gb unused place at sda7 and an additional 15gb unallocated after it for God's sake?

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