IOW you support free software only when you can use it to build proprietary software?

Yeah... there's plenty of businesses and NPO's founded exactly on that idea. That's why we have no shortage whatsoever of "revolutionary" new web frameworks and javascript libraries. There are plenty of people who like building "open source" components for other developers to build off of, and there's really nothing wrong with that. I say there is nothing wrong with that because, being non-copyleft, these components are available for both free and proprietary software, so free software developers get a direct benefit from their existence.

This view that free software should exist only as compilers and frameworks, however, I don't quite agree with. Open source people make a distinction between differentiating and non-differentiating components, which Bruce Perens (one of the original open source guys and a former Debian leader) explores in

Non-copyleft free software licenses directly encourage this kind of development. The end result is that we get real solid runtimes, frameworks, libraries, and whatnot, but the best things written on top of them (differentiating software, i.e. the stuff that actually matters to users) are proprietary. This seems to be the reason you generally favor non-copyleft licenses, is that right? To say you support the free software movement (which, again, isn't strictly about building software, but about encouraging a computing paradigm where a user has full access and control of all of the code running on their computer... since you're running Trisquel, you are indeed one of these users, and hence a direct beneficiary of this movement) 100% and then go on to say that you support it "only when used as a tool" (I presume a tool for building proprietary software, given your dislike of copyleft)... isn't that a little contradictory here?

It's refreshing that Stallman and the rest of us here stick with the original "free software movement" that started in 1984... the vision where it's about what the user can do and share with fellow users, not specifically about empowering proprietary software developers... this again is one of the reasons Stallman is so adamant about terminology, because conflating his movement with "open source" means putting him in the same basket as you and Bruce Perens, and labeling the operating system as "GNU/Linux" diminishes his agenda and distorts his involvement in the history of the OS (which you probably have no problem with, of course)

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