> The reason RMS uses gNewSense is because he has a
> [http://stallman.org/stallman-computing.html lemote laptop] which
> contains a non x86 (MIPS I believe)  architecture.  Trisquel does not
> have a MIPS version so he can't install it on his computer.

I believe he uses it since it has no nonfree user-installable nonfree
software (the EC and hard disk firmware practically can be treated as
hardware) and using it won't promote nonfree operating systems (unlike
the OLPC).  I don't know any x86 machines with these features.

> However, gNewSense is based off Ubuntu 8.04 I think which is from
> 2008.  The current version of Trisquel is based off Ubuntu 11.10 which
> is from the end of 2011 so it is much more up to date.

The current release of gNS doesn't support MIPS, only newer Debian-based
ones do.  So it's not too old if Debian Squeeze is not too old.

> Since broadcom
> free'd it's drivers after 2008 it is more likely Trisquel will just
> work out of the box then gNewSense.

They have freed other drivers that don't use nonfree firmware?

> But yeah I wouldn't use gNewSense unless you have a specific reason
> like RMS with the computer architecture.  RMS and the GNU project have
> given Trisquel their blessing so there is no reason to think gNewSense
> is superior to Trisquel in any sort of ethical/free software fashion.
> They are both free distros.  

Parabola also works on a YeeLoong and has newer packages.

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