A link to Michal Maslowski's post can be found [http://listas.trisquel.info/pipermail/trisquel-users/2012-April/008800.html here]. For some reason it is not showing up properly on the forums.

According to [https://www.networkworld.com/news/2011/031411-richard-stallman.html?page=2 this article] he uses the Leemote because it is the only laptop available with a free BIOS.

As far as the latest version being based off 8.04 I was referring to the latest official version (i.e. non-beta). I was referring back to the OP at this part and not talking about RMS. I was assuming the OP wasn't running the 3.0 beta but latest 2.3 release.

You are right about the firmware. I didn't know as I don't use that kind of wireless card. I just remembered reading an article about it but when you posted that I looked further and read about the non-free firmware. Thank you for pointing that out.

Also I was unaware the Parabola works on the Yeelong. According to that article I linked to it says "gNewSense is the only totally free distribution that will run on the Lemote, which has a MIPS-like processor, he (RMS) says." I was unaware of that fact.

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