Here is a comparison of free phones:
According to this page, the Freerunner, N900 and Nexus S have a modem that cannot access CPU, however the last two require non-free firmware for some of the basic functions (wifi, bluetooth). The new generation Freerunner (GTA04) also requires proprietary software for wireless and bluetooth.

It would probably be a better idea to supply a free digital audio player. Something like a 5.5 generation iPod loaded with Rockbox, with Rockbox developers getting a cut. There should be far less freedom issues in this case as any non-free firmware needed in this case (e.g. to charge USB) should not be malicious unlike the GSM modem.

Since the Neo Freerunner supports booting from microSD cards, you could also sell supported cards preinstalled with popular distros like QtMoko (regardless of whether or not you distribute the phone).

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