My deciding factor is who controls my PC (today and in the future). When Billie Gates, TCG, or whoever/whatever pays for my custom build, software, DSL, etc., then they can decide the how/when/where I use my PC. While I'm paying the bills, they don't get any vote. This is not a protest movement, so whether my "avoiding the technology" or not buying Intel products is quite meaningless. I cannot stop Intel from forcing DRM on everyone, but I can refuse to contribute to their profit margin, and avoid the technology by refusing to be force-fed. If that means I don't get the 'latest&greatest&biggest&best' hardware, I can live with that. If it means I have to teach myself how to decrudify Windows XP, and reconfigure/rebuild Linux kernel, then such is life. Such companies will do whatever they want...that does not mean I have to support them, or meekly accept the choices (or lack thereof) they would make for me.

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