I completely agree here. Equating games with ordinary software programs is like comparing apples to oranges. When I turn on my wii to play a game, I have no thought whatsoever, whether the game I'm playing uses free software, I know well it does not, nor do I worry about the firmware inside of the wii. The only think I'm concerned with is jumping over that pit before I fall in the lava. And avoiding enemies, etc etc. On 08/01/2012 11:44 AM, tegskywal...@hotmail.com wrote:
You are teetering into the grey areas on the role of software in entertainment. If this was a movie or song that you consume to get the experience, you have no problem with protecting the rights of the artist.

Now you take this interactive experience and instead of simply watching it, you have interaction and it has a software element to it. Now you feel that this needs to be in the same category as Python debug tools when it really isn't. Like the previously mentioned movie or music, it is meant to be consumed and not a tool to create software.

If I were to develop software with Python, do you think that I would want the source code to the language itself and compilers if needed? Absolutely. If I am about to enjoy a 50 hour gaming experience, do I really need to look at the source code files as a consumer? No, I would be more interested in the interactive experience.

On a final note, most of the software created under a free software compatible license is totally crap and amateur and usually based off of a 10 year old engine like Quake 3. That is because creating games needs a budget and it costs real money (like a movie) to create a top notch game. Putting aside donations and Kickstarter campaigns, you don't create a Zelda or Bioshock level game as a community project.

You know why? Because a developer has to feed his wife and kids and developing a game at Valve or EA instead of a disjointed community project does not. How is he going to market the thing? Richard Stallman is a running joke with most people and his rants get ignored when he starts attacking game companies. Heck, read these Ars Technia comments to get people's views on RMS. These are real people and not FSF cultists.

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