Software like Python debug tools and entertainment stuff like movies are in a completely different category, that's true. If a movie is distributed digitally, it shouldn't have DRM though. I understand that DRM might be a tempting technique in the modern market. The modern market is just working wrong, that's all. It doesn't mean DRM is somehow OK if in a given situation it is easier to use it, than to ignore it (as a content generator I mean).

Games are a bit more complicated though. They are artistic entertainment AND software at the same time. Ideally, the software parts would be free software, while the artistic content of the games would be non-free, with a preventive copyright.

Arguing that the lack of payment for a game development in an ethically sane environment is the reason why it is no good is like arguing NOTHING should be ever changed about the market how it is.

Sure you will not get payed as good when developing free software. This is not the fault of free software, but the fault of a market, that is unadopted to different business models in the software field.

Imagine if the GNU GPL, or something similar, would be enforced by law. Software would remain perfectly sellable. Every good has high value, if the demand is there and there is only one copy yet. You'd be selling the very first copy of your software for a LOT of money, much more than today. The second and third copy, you still might be able to sell for the same amount. At some point you'll have to drop the price gradually, until it's just the cost of packaging plus the service of burning/pressing the data on the disc.

Every other good is exactly the same, you can't make a chair once and sell it 100.000 times like you had to make it each time anew, when you don't. Every other manufacturer is perfectly OK with having to produce 1 good for selling it once. Only software manufacturers want to produce something once and sell it x thousand times. It's going against every basic law of economy (because those were written down when there was no digital data and effortless copying). A software business would work, just like every other business does, based on same old economy laws. Produce something once, get the equivalent of your invested work in money back. Then produce again.

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