My hate for proprietary software started way before I heard the words "proprietary/free/non-free/opensource software", when you start to see applications crash, with licences everywhere, and you can't replace them, this is when you start to think a little bit more about the "what's inside the box" and that's (in my opinion) the moment when you switch to Gnu/Linux and then to Only Free Distributions.

The problem with big applications and games, is that it requires a lot of people working at full time, and most of the Free projects are... well... Free as in Free Beer, and only donations don't allow the developers to work at full time on such big applications, and because of that applications like Blender, Gimp, Kdenlive start to have problems with continuing their projects as they would love to (even if the first 2 are in a better financial state that the last one).

As for games, if it's a 2D game then one person could do it (I am starting that will be Free Software (but paid) and probably I will use Kickstarter to promote that, but that's another question), but for 3D it is so much work that, or you work with applications like Blender that can easily handle everything, or you will have to work with more people in order to have something working (without the guaranty of any revenue at all).

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