
I completely respect the work that you're doing and the way that you're interacting in this community. However I, like others, feel that the problem will not be solved simply by the current folks involved contributing more money.

The problem I'm referring to is a perception of sustainability problem. Having one central developer who controls everything about the project, including the website, is not sustainable. So, how can we make Trisquel be perceived to be sustainable, and therefore worth donating to?

One way is to be as transparent and accountable about the development process as is possible.

As MagicFab writes above:

"There are no reports that I know of, or foundation, or organizational structure to provide the expected transparency and communciate this to gather more support, etc.."

If those currently controlling development (i.e. Rubén) want other people to get involved and help to control development, then they *must* provide as much information as is possible (i.e. the info MagicFab is asking for). Many here feel that since Rubén doesn't appear to be providing the kind of development information they need or the kind of organizational support they'd like, that Rubén would prefer to maintain control of the project himself with little to no outside help. They feel that he wants the community to pay him to do the work, even though there may be some really great people interested in donating their time and energy.

My point is, Chris, you seem to go back to the "lack of funding" as the main problem or even the idea that "we need some one to lead." But, to me and others, that's not the problem. It's the lack of transparency and accountability in the current development process that's holding things up.

I believe that once the organizational side of things surrounding current development practices is resolved, enabling the current development process to fully utilize the long list of volunteers listed here, as oysterboy notes, the financial side of things will start to improve.

At that time, it will make sense for people in my situation to consider donating so that someone can manage the project. Until then, I'm hesitant to give money because it's, as you say, only going into Rubén's pocket.

Oysterboy, do you have any links to other projects that share the kind of information you think will be helpful for Trisquel to share? Does anyone else? Maybe all we need to do is create a wiki page with this information and ask Rubén to fill in the blanks? Or, along with creating a wiki page, we need to come up with questions that we'd like Rubén to answer so that the knowledge needed can be made public?

For example, let's say we want an accounting report of donations made over the past 3 months and that we'd like this report made public every 3 months thereafter. The names of those donating can be removed and kept confidential if needed, but the financial amounts along with the total amount of money available for Trisquel development could be made public.

Anyone else see where I'm going with this?

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