I agree you with but I still have many concerns about Trisquel being based on Ubuntu. Let me explain

- I'm also don't mind to not have the latest and greatest, but I except the application to work and to be secure (receiving security patches then). And as many of you may have already seen, a bunch of application available in the repositories simply don't work. I can give those 2 examples :

-- Virtualbox is available in 5.5 but the Kernel module can't be installed (why not removing it from the repositories ?). It isn't available in 6.0 tho. (There is an application with an almost similar problem that is Ekiga... it is available but it doesn't install because of a non-free missing package). -- Pencil is available on both 5.5 and 6.0, but it doesn't save on neither the two (they are the same version). So you can create an animation but it won't save.

Ubuntu has a lots of problems, and I think that Ruben should continue with a Ubuntu base but should add more of his sauce. What I mean by that is, no adding something just because the same version of Ubuntu added it (like for example the 6.0 that is based on Ubuntu 12.04 which added new features for Compiz because of Unity... But the snap window is still buggy and this still isn't corrected on 12.10 so why 6.0 adds this by default ?)

Abrowser (aka Firefox) is also another problem. Why is Abrowser different from Firefox ? Why there a difference on the design ? Why can I put the refresh button between the url bar and the search bar in order for him to be integrated with the url bar like in Firefox and IceWeasel ? Why many of the features available on Firefox (that are free software) are not enabled by default on Abrowser when they are on IceWeasel and Firefox (like WebGL) ?

But I must agree with you. Trisquel has only 2 solutions, or it will always try to create a Free Version of Ubuntu and by doing this he enters in a race of time and resources. Or he just take all the knowledge and time (that is already not enough) and just take what we have (an almost finished and stable 6.0 release) and just do something new, that will only go take the real necessary from Ubuntu and Debian when needed.

There is also the bar problem. In Trisquel 6.0 the bar isn't transparent (like in 5.5) because of the applets on it that won't fallow the rest of the design (the same happens in Ubuntu).

And the sound problems on 5.5 for many devices.

But what can be done ? I have already reported the issue, we have already a little group of people reading the bugreports and trying to find a solution (big thanks for them) but I really don't know what can be done more. Sending emails ? With what ? Donation ? I've already donated.. not much but still it is better than nothing in my opinion.

And even with all this, I still use Trisquel Gnu/Linux as my main distribution everyday... My mother uses it... The POS I am creating for my Mother's Bar will be using it. And, I hope, my business will also use it. And why ? Because it is simply (today at least) the best true image of a Free and Intuitive distribution that we can give to the world. And that is awesome :D

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