I understand you didn't know what the problem with these drivers are so don't feel like this is an attack on you. I'm just commenting on the amount of complaining done because ones learned software or hardware isn't supported.

What I'm amazed at is the number of people who want to turn GNU/Linux into Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X. If your going to accept the non-free bits then why not just switch to one of the operating systems which have that developmental philosophy? If your going to gain from GNU/Linux you want to avoid as much of the non-free software as possible.

This isn't though some a comment about that though. There are developers in this wide GNU/Linux community who are obsessed with Mac and don't care about the philosophy at all. Again- I ask why are you using GNU/Linux? Stop trying to turn GNU/Linux into Mac OS X. I'm OK with improvements and changes whose ideas are inspired or taken from others. However when you start cloning little UI changes that make the system harder for the average user I'm going to disagree with those changes. There have been a number of things I have felt were cloned from Apple and/or Microsoft which were really bad UI choices (on Apple / Microsoft's part or badly cloned maybe).

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