Dell has offered Ubuntu based laptops in the past and not really advertised them much and recently they came out with new XPS models that run the latest Ubuntu. I don't know how well they are selling, but it was good to some that a big vendor supported GNU/Linux in some way.

I then read about Microsoft investing $2 billion into Dell to help them privatize and there are rumors going around that part of the initiative was to stop Dell from carrying Ubuntu laptops and also stop dell from offering hardware support for GNU/Linux as a whole. I don't know if Dell offers Ubuntu as well on server setups, but any server admin knows how to setup a distribution without help from a company like Dell.

Here is my source:

"...influence hardware designs in a post-PC world while protecting itself from the growing influence of Linux-based operating systems in mobile devices and servers...It may also be an attempt to secure the partnership and to stop the PC maker from looking toward alternative operating systems like Linux."

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