Running a nonfree program personally isn't unethical because it is you who is being victimized, but steering someone towards nonfree software is.

I'm no web developer, but I'm a software developer. Unfortunately, Wine is too limited for cx_Freeze (a free program which "freezes" Python programs into executables that work without Python and needed libraries being installed on the system), so I don't use it at all right now, but if it did work on Wine, I would create a Windows executable with Wine and ensure that it works on Wine. Similarly, if I needed to compile a C++ program for Windows, I would do it on Wine and test it on Wine. Maybe something really weird will happen that I didn't expect, but in that case, the user can report the problem; it's not my fault if Windows is less capable of executing its own native code than a Windows compatibility layer on top of GNU/Linux.

It's not unreasonable to not test on a system you can't run for personal reasons, in my opinion (such as not wanting to be subjugated, or simply not having the system available to you). In the case of a web developer, I would say test on all free browsers available to you (possibly including Wine Internet Explorer, which is included with Wine) and, most importantly, follow the standards. Don't use deprecated tags and avoid strange hacks. If the browser used doesn't properly follow standards that it was supposed to follow, and you can't test your webpages on this browser, it's not your fault that your perfectly valid webpage broke. They can report the issue, and you can tell them that it's a fault of the browser they're using, which you couldn't test on, and that they ought to be using a better browser, but that you will do your best to fix the problem regardless.

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