You are forgetting one important fact: Not everyone pays for proprietary software. I truly doubt that there is a computer user in this world unaware of the fact that a copy of any proprietary software can be obtained free of charge.
Those who pay for software, pay for it willingly.

I am also convinced that in world where software is free programmers can make a living. Did you obtain a copy of Linux for free? Ofcourse you did. But that doesn't mean that developers weren't paid to write Linux. Red Hat pays programmers to keep developing Linux. I'm also fairly sure that they do the same for some GNU packages such as GCC. Don't forget that Red Hat got that money selling the same free software they fund.

That hyptotetical talented programmer would not stop getting money. There is no such thing as finished program, and thats why someone (Red Hat) would pay him to keep adding new features to his program (Linux). And even if the program is flawless (lie) I'm sure someone would be happy to employ such a talented programmer to write new software.

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