So it did take over two weeks--and they did screw up one of my distro requests (got vanilla Debian 7 instead of the requested XFCE)--but:

I'm satisfied with the Strata so far. It's much heavier, and a little bigger than I was after, but it does have a solid and polished feel to it so far.

If I had it to do all over again, I wouldn't change my choices, except that I probably would have gone with the 15.6" (at TP, or ZA) from the start.

My overall take. You're paying a premium for freedom. And another premium for a good chance at it "just working" with your Linux of choice. If you've got the cash to throw at, consider the extra money a donation to a good cause--real companies trying to turn a profit while kicking against the Borg. That's how I think of it.

If you've got more time than money, go ahj's route above. It's got a lot to recommend it too.

And now, onward. I see that Gnewsense finally dropped a beta3 after what, four years? That's intriguing, and I've got a nice empty partition just crying out for an install ...

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