> When was the last time you worked day and night and got 0 return from it? Had your family waiting for you to come home with the money to buy food and had to tell them you did not get the money?? Did you like that?? -.-

You don't see how crazy your argumentation is.
Your talking the whole time about using free creative commons works like on archive.org. If I do so, no one will get my money. No one will give the poor artist anything.
The poor artist will come home to his family just you said.
Not only the one who shares illegaly refuses to give money to them.
People who use creative commons or just don't listen to anything don't pay them either. You don't realize that sharing is not the actual problem which harms the artist. Everyone here wants the artist to live and eat and we want to create a system which benefits the artist.

> I thought you were staying away from my comments, but it seems not.

No, I told you I always will correct them so other people don't face your propaganda without hearing a sensible voice.

> My opinion is different and better than yours.

Well, it's sad how you try to hurt me personally but don't manage to succeed.
I think you have a false image of yourself; you claim to be a free thinker with a different (more precisely, like we now know even a better) opinion but in fact you are trapped in your own emotions and thus suffer from a limited view. This is bad for you, not bad for me, so I don't feel insulted or attacked in any way. There's no reason for me not to respond to your comments even if you don't manage to hold back with ridiculous and childish claims ("my opinion is better than yours") or emotional escalation.
Why can't you just stay on topic? that's really sad.

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