
Interesting. Like Mic sings, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime..."

Looking at some bug reports I was amazed at how torturous bad code can be to hardware. Temporarily freezing it up and so on. Also in looking over the various outputs, there is WAY MORE activity going on under the hood than I ever knew. Things just going and going, good, bad, and otherwise. It's a miracle anything works at all. A much less efficient and elegant process than I had thought.

I thought coders just wrote and compiled, but man their hardware takes a beating on some things. Much more physical than I had thought. It's not just code, it's hardware and software. Would be great to get it right. One hand into the other. Proprietary approaches make such efforts hopeless. How can things ever get ironed out that way? I never knew, or never appreciated I guess.

Look for my order shortly for one of those USB Wifi nubs. Glad you are offering hardware that is "known". Need the coders too but with known hardware/firmware at least they'll know what they are up against.

So much to be amazed by around here.

Thank you for your help and the backgrounds on Atheros/WiFi. Take care.

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