I have a similar story as to why I started using only free software. I also have many friends who are big consumers of proprietary non-free programs. One of my friends uses just about every service that Microsoft owns, whether it's Dropbox, Skype, WMA Lossless, or even Windows 8 for the phone. The other friends always complain that "there's no games for linux" and "linux sucks."

As for me, I am very oriented towards using GNU/Linux and open source programs, but being free or not isn't as much of a concern to me. Despite this, I think I'm still on the right track as I only have 2 non-free programs on my computer, both of which are open source. As for convincing your friends, changing their morals will only affect them for the better or for the worst. Most people consider convenience and their addiction to games to be more important than their civil liberties, security, and their privacy, but so be it. Converting someone to FOSS-only is not easy, but the best place to start would be making them concerned for their privacy. This gets them into the moral-shift towards freedom, which will be gradually followed by the switch to FOSS, ultimately.

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