Concerning the persecution of Assange,

When I say that nothing has changed, because of how this persecution revealed the true face of the USG, I'm not saying that this is something that the USG is not worried about (the way it affected its public image). I'm just really tired of people who complaint about the way things are, but that don't do anything to change them. And, I know that the people inside the USG also know that most people won't do anything, in practical terms, because of this. And, if it changes a bit the public perception that people, in general, have of the USG, that soon will become irrelevant, once Martial Law is declared (, after some declared emergency, in the Near Future - because, then, the USG won't have to worry about elections or anything of the sort, where people will have a say... (If that will just make people more angry, and make the government fall, I don't know. But, with the absence of a big political movement that can come forward with a real alternative, and with what should be the impossibility of that being even possible, once Martial Law is declared ( I'm not very optimistic, in the case of the US.

Concerning what I say about WikiLeaks,

The fact that it is a CIA operation, is not something that can be easily spotted by the less politically informed. (And that's why it works...) And the best way to spot a controlled media outlet is not even from what it reveals (or lies about), but from what it /doesn't reveal/ (or about which it remains silent)... I could talk about the lies that WikiLeaks has said, and about very important things that it doesn't even talk about, and that have been leaked by other (real "truth seeking" and "truth leaking") organizations. But, that would be a discussion to be made elsewhere. But, concerning the fact of if it is indeed a CIA operation or not, my source for that is the author that I mentioned, that has wrote a book about it, and that has sources also in US intelligence agencies. If he's a credible person or not, that's something that everyone will have to judge for him/herself. And, I've left here the links for you all to be able to do that.

Concerning the Bilderberg book,

I only linked to Amazon, because of the reviews that are shown on that page. I found this link to be a better option for "beginners", so that people can know more, already, about the book, without having to search the Internet for reviews. I even prefer to give people, in the US, the direct link to the editor's web page, which should be much more financially supported than Amazon, because of the courage that he has to publish this and other "sensitive" books, that I know that the high levels of the USG really don't like him to: (It forces you to use PayPal, which has even blocked the account of a friend of this particular author, so that he couldn't be monetarily helped, but it's the best option that I know of...)

I haven't read Negri or Hardt... Right now, I'm more worried about preventing an European - and consequently, a Worldwide - fascist dictatorship from being implemented, and I don't think that Negri and Hardt can help me with that. To the contrary, from the little I know of Negri, he's someone who fought for the interests of that same Empire, that he criticizes, by supporting groups that were part of its so-called "strategy of tension" ( +

Alex Jones is not a "nut"... I've been listening to him for 10 years, now, and know him very well. He's just someone who's very energetic in the way he exposes this kind of things. And, whose worriedness and revolt is /more than justified/, due to all that is already happening, and due to the occasional death threats, and other things, that he's the target of. I'm a socialist, myself, and that doesn't stop me from appreciating the great work that he has done, even if people want to call him a "right-winger" - although, a more correct description of him, in my opinion, would be a "libertarian"/"minarchist", or "paleoconservative".

We really do need to "free our minds". And, I've began doing that, myself, a long time ago. Namely, by starting to use Free Software - like it's the case of this distribution. But, if it's Free that we want to remain - or be even more - we must be wary of - and pay very close attention to - those who want to take that Freedom way (i.e. know what they're up to), and prevent them from doing so.

Concerning the symbols,

This is something that (also) people who have sources in intelligence agencies call other people's attention to ( + But, I suppose that, for many, it's a matter of interpretation, then... And, that opinions diverge, as to whether they are present in some places or not, or if it's all just coincidental (

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