Concerning how rapid "Mailpile" was able to collect so much money, I (really) don't know how (much) that may be suspicious, or not. And, decided to post that because I thought it was something worth noticing and comparing with what is said above. (For anyone to make any analyses they want.)


Concerning Negri, as I said, I know very little about him. And, the only thing I know/knew about his connection to the Red Brigades was that he had been imprisoned for "supporting" them. (Which I have/had the impression, from what I read, several years ago, as meaning that he expressed favourable opinions about them(?) / praised(?) them(?) in public(?).) I had no idea that he was framed. (And, I can't keep up with every conspiracy that happens on the Planet.) But, I'm not surprised to read so.

And, I most certainly don't think that every revolutionary is working for the establishment. And, still consider myself to be one. The thing is, that from the years that I've spent investigating the powers-that-be and their connections to supposedly anti-establishment and revolutionary groups and movements, I've come to learn that many of them are, actually, working for the interests of the establishment - with many of them having even been created by that same establishment, and being made up of people who, in large part, are not even aware of that*. (Even in cases where they are made up of a coincidence of interests, like in the case of the Spanish Civil War, where the people behind Orwell, the Stalinists and the anarchists were, initially, fighting on the same side.) And, I (most definitely) don't think that politics is a simple theme... To the contrary, I've learned that it is a much more intricate, complex and complicated issue than what it may seem to beginners and the most naïve.

* (off topic, and not to be discussed in here, since it's not a proper place to, if you're a Marxist, here's a link for you - - concerning an ancient group that I mentioned above, for you to interpret that information in any way that you want)

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