I'm trying to install Replicant on my phone, for the exact same ideological reasons I run Trisquel on my PC.

I ran into some problems during the installation, and posted about it here:

During discussion in that thread, it came to seem that the problem is that I need the 32 bit compatibility libraries and don't have them installed.

So I came to this forum looking for how to install them. I encountered this thread, as well as these others:

Reading these threads has left me feeling intimidated and discouraged. I have no clarity about how to install the necessary libraries and and worry that I'll screw up my computer trying. All the solutions proposed are way over my head and also all appear to be different from each other.

The simplest proposed solution that I see is Armworm's:

# sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
# Go to /usr/share/libcapi20-3 and delete changelog.Debian.gz
# sudo apt-get -o DPkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" -fy install

But I'm hesitent to do this as I don't understand what it's doing, no one else has confirmed that this worked for them, and there are a slew of other proposed solutions out there that are all even more intimidatingly complex and different from this one and each other.

I'm just looking for how to be able to run 32bit programs which I thought was supposed to be as simple as sudo apt-get install ia32-libs.

Thanks so much in advance for any thoughts.

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